Mesothelioma Alternative Treatments
There is no cancer as deadly and devastating as Mesothelioma. Once diagnosed, it kills the patient within 12 to 18 months and inevitably in all cases the illness results in death.
Mesothelioma has possibly existed for a very long time, but it is now that the number of those suffering from it are on a steep rise. Remember symptoms can carry out unknown to the bearer for up to 50 years. It has recently peaked because people exposed to asbestos environments in the past are now far from the latent stages of the disease and the symptoms are in the most aggressive stages and the most affected ages.
This current wave of people being diagnosed with mesothelioma could continue for a further 30 to 50 years, even more. Reason for this is that mesothelioma is usually diagnosed 30 to 40 years after initial 'asbestos inhalation' (asbestos inhalation is the prime cause of mesothelioma). Even though banned in the 80s, asbestos was still in use till the 90s.
Products that contained asbestos till the 90s are asbestos free today; but this does not mean that we are living in an asbestos free environment. The effects of all the asbestos used till the 90s is still felt today. Any construction built from the early 1900s to the 80s contain toxic levels of asbestos in their flooring, roofing, and insulation; all of which could easily pollute the air with invisible asbestos fibers while renovating without taking all safety precautions. IT is of little use that persons exposed to asbestos live in an asbestos free environment currently because once it gets inside a person, the sharpness of these fibers cut into the tissue and the body creates cysts around it.
Conventional Mesothelioma Treatments
Almost every patient diagnosed with mesothelioma in the past decade have had a very limited choice as far as treatment was concerned. These treatments depended on the stage of cancer, the age and overall health of the patient, and included one or more of the following treatments.
-- Surgery
-- Radiation Therapy
-- Chemotherapy
-- Combination Therapy
In a world full of alternatives to common medicine it is worth the risk of going a different way in order to ameliorate the damaged caused by asbestos particle inhalation.
Hypoxis Rooperi (African Potato) Research has shown its beneficial effect on the immune system. Research done on a group of volunteers showed a significant increase in the number of T-cells, which boost immunity.
Green tea is an antioxidant, tonic & helps prevent cancer. Take supplement form or drink several cups of tea daily.
Buchu helps the body rid itself of toxins by releasing retained water.
Reishi mushroom is also an immune stimulant. Take supplement form & eat in a variety of dishes calling for mushrooms. Mentha Piperita (and assorted mint leaves) can be extremely beneficial in supporting a healthy immune system. Studies on this herb have demonstrated its effect on Tuberculosis.
Goldenseal has been shown to kill cancer cells & may be a good complement to chemotherapy.
Goldenrod fights infection & foreign invaders.
Viscum Album can modulate & improve natural immune responses.
Schizandra Sinesis protects against toxins and cell damage. Studies show that Schizandra can promote healthy cardiovascular, liver, and kidney functions.
Astralagus Membranaceus, a potent Chinese remedy, has a variety of benefits as a healing and rejuvenating tonic. Its also shown to improve immune function disturbance.
Olive leaf has an incredible number of positive effects, demonstrated in a variety of clinical studies. It can destroy many germs, bacteria & viruses & improves immune functioning.
Dandelion is a tonic & diuretic that is helpful in ridding the body of toxins.
Fennel helps maintain liver, kidney and spleen health. Fennel is especially good for detoxing.
Pelargonium reniforme, also known as 'Umckaloabo', is traditionally used for a range of therapeutic functions including liver functioning and as a digestive tonic. Recent studies have shown this herb to be beneficial in supporting balance between various body systems.
Generally, eating fruits & vegetables may help prevent cancers, including mesothelioma. It may also help in any orthodox treatment of mesothelioma.
In particular garlic, onions, peppers, tomatoes, green leafy veggies can be especially beneficial.
The following two herbal compounds may be helpful for mesothelioma, especially as preventives or in early stages of disease.